Britain Revealed as Nation of Secret Smokers

New research released from LloydsPharmacy reveals Britain really is a nation of secret smokers. Almost half (48 percent) admit to hiding the habit from loved ones, with a whopping 91 percent saying they’ve kept their habit fully hidden to avoid upsetting their other half.

With social stigma surrounding smoking on the up[1], Brits have revealed just how far they’ll go to hide their habit. Almost half (43 percent) of smokers keeping it under wraps have used walking the dog as an excuse to have a cigarette, while 54 percent typically say they’re ‘just nipping to the shops’, during which they get their nicotine fix. Another 40 percent say they typically take the bins out. When tell-tale signs like smelling of smoke have been noticed, two thirds say they’ve blamed a friend to avoid confessing.

The average smoker gets through a total of nine cigarettes per day, with at least three of them smoked in secret, so it’s no wonder they’ll go to great lengths to cover up the smell. Top tactics, uncovered by the research, include changing into different clothes (37 percent), having a shower (32 percent), keeping the windows wide open in their car or house (45 percent), and buying deodorant (44 percent).

Despite the effort to keep their habit private, nearly half have previously been caught out by someone they were trying to hide it from. It also emerged more than four in ten hide their habit from loved ones out of shame and 51 percent feel they would be judged if anyone was to find out. Surprisingly, over a third (36 percent) even admitted to falsely filling out the ‘smoking’ question on a professional form.

Keeping It Secret

Due to the pressure of keeping their habit a secret, more than seven in ten have attempted to quit smoking in the past, but the majority (83 percent) found it too difficult. Half of those decided to wave the white flag because it helped them relax while 43 percent simply missed it too much.

However, over half (59 percent) of respondent’s plan to give up smoking in the new year, with the want to protect their own health and well-being being the main motivator (70 percent).

LloydsPharmacy, said: “With the stigma surrounding smoking on the rise, it’s no wonder so many smokers look to conceal their habit from loved ones. Quitting smoking can be tough and many have tried but found themselves smoking again, soon after quitting. The good news is there are lots of things you can do to really help kick the habit and encourage a new and healthy lifestyle.

 “At LloydsPharmacy, we have a whole host of ‘Stop Smoking’ aids and services available online and instore, for anyone who is looking to start that journey. Whether that’s advice from one of our pharmacists, motivation from our blog posts, or help from hundreds of products available online and instore, we are here to support.”

 For those interested in learning more, visit LloydsPharmacy to choose from a wide range of Stop Smoking services, advice, and support. From information on Nicotine Replacement Therapy, to finding the best course of action using the ‘Stop Smoking’ tool, there are plenty of options for those looking to make a change this year.

Banish smoking from your life for good, or tackle a whole host of unhealthy habits that don’t serve you with: THE DAILY HABITS WHICH COULD BE HOLDING YOU BACK FROM REACHING YOUR GOALS

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