Morning Erections

What’s The Story with Morning Glory? Why Men Experience Morning Erections

Morning glory, the breakfast boner, the sunrise stiffy… phallic euphemisms aside, we you know you’ve pondered this useless bit of need-to-know info. You’re welcome!

Morning erections: Understood! It’s plagued inquisitive minds for eternity. Just what is it about the AM that causes your manhood to go full salute? Spoiler alert: it’s not a pee-boner.

The secret behind the sunrise stiffy isn’t that hard after all. This commonplace conundrum is the sign of a well-functioning internal homeostatic process. It is due to the intricate timings of the body’s production of testosterone alongside blood flow being centralized down below.

Anthony Puopolo, chief medical officer at RexMD explains: “Morning erections may seem mysterious because they are often not associated with sexual thoughts, but there are three factors that can impact its causes: sleep quality, hormone levels, and timing. While sexual dreams can result in erections, the deep level of sleep during dreaming and the increased production of testosterone can result in an erection several times throughout a single night.

Why Men Experience Morning Erections

Once the body enters REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, blood flow can be centralized in the penile region. This, coupled with the greater amount of testosterone produced during rest, can lead to an erection. The timing comes into play if one awakes close enough to the REM sleep stage in which the body has not yet adjusted to its awoken state. Although it differs in each individual, morning erections are common and result from men’s normal and healthy internal functions.

Unbeknownst to most men, morning glory isn’t just limited to when you wake. Most men experience multiple hard-ons throughout one night’s sleep. Dr. Laura Purdyfounding, national medical director for RiseMedical says: “Although morning erections occur in the morning, they are carried over from what we call nocturnal erections. Every man will have three-to-four nocturnal erections a night during REM sleep. Most men will not even be aware of this while sleeping, but if they awake from or near a REM sleep phase, they may notice interaction first thing in the morning. This often resolves shortly after waking.

Man has a morning erection

Men with sleep disorders, such as obstructive sleep apnoea, do not go into REM sleep as often, so they often do not have as many nocturnal and morning erections.” 

So, the next time your breakfast boner inconveniences you, remember that it’s a typical indication of a healthy hormone balance that you can always use to help make it a very good morning!

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